Domestic vs. DFARS: Raw Material Ordering
Odds are that information on Domestic and DFARS material will leave you with eyes glazed over, but for the sake of bringing knowledge to the public, we will briefly explain the difference between the two, and touch on traceability.
First, since the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) includes exceptions to specialty metals, here is a link that answers frequently asked questions regarding the specialty metals restrictions under 10 U.S.C. 2533b. (The definition of specialty metals can be found in section Q9/A9 of this document.)
Who really needs to know the difference? – Typically any federal or government jobs and also some customers who prefer to buy American.
Why does this matter? – For federal and government jobs it matters because the Department of Defense prefers domestically made, manufactured and grown materials (Look up the Berry Amendment). The customers who want to buy American tend to do so out of personal preference.
Is there a glaze over your eyes yet? Let’s break it down!
Domestic = American Made (melted and manufactured in the U.S.A.)
DFARS Qualifying Country = Any country listed in subsection 225.872-1 and include: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
How does this tie into traceability?
Traceability refers to the tracing of any raw material to where it is originally melted and manufactured. This can be as simple as one piece of paper or as complex as twenty pages!
HT Metals ensures that the material provided meets the strict standards and flow down requirements of our customers. These standards refer to Domestic or DFARS material, correct specifications, accurate chemical analysis, product descriptions, etc. The flow down procedures relate to all paperwork showing that the material went from point A to B to C. (Back to that traceability!)
Whatever your specific needs and requirements may be, HT Metals is happy to oblige!